Parameterization and Application of Agricultural Best Management Practices in a Rural Ontario Watershed Using PCSWMM

Journal of Water Management Modeling, 2016

As agricultural production has continued to expand and intensify around the world, many models have been developed in an attempt to accurately predict the downstream impacts on water quality and quantity due to changes in on-farm management practices. In rural watersheds with complex stormwater conveyance systems, models designed for agricultural landscapes tend to inadequately represent the spatial and temporal resolution required in the simulation of hydraulic systems. The Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) was originally developed for urban watershed modelling, but its robust hydraulic simulation capabilities have been applied in conjunction with new tools developed within PCSWMM in order to simulate the downstream impacts of a suite of agricultural best management practices (BMPs) in a watershed in rural Ontario, Canada. Three simulation scenarios were run and results are reported for a single model subcatchment. Results show general agreement with literature reported nutrient reduction values, but more testing of these capabilities is required.

Recommended citation:
Talbot MT, McGuire O, Olivier C, Fleming R. 2016. Parameterization and Application of Agricultural Best Management Practices in a Rural Ontario Watershed Using PCSWMM. Journal of Water Management Modeling.
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